
MLinde studied privately for many years to produce ‘The Book’.  She also has a BSc Hons in Herbal Medicine.  She travelled worldwide to thoroughly research the contents which provides a truly informative guide to looking after yourself to maintain and achieve excellent health, wealth, happiness and longevity. You will realise that you are not doing enough, or the right things that we are led to believe are to protect our health.  You will also understand the importance of regular ceaseless, incessant, unrelenting, daily practices.

Although the fundamental knowledge you gain from ‘The Book‘ is crucial to understanding how we can avoid many diseases and life tools in every aspect of our lives, it is also an excellent everyday reference guide thereafter, to maintaining and re-establishing good health in body and mind.

The simple message that comes through is, if you learn to look after yourself properly from all aspects it will be your most powerful contribution to cleaning up and protecting our natural environment that the human race urgently needs to dynamically drive forward adding hugely to what has already started.

Available as an e-Book, paperback, hardback and limited edition.  [ADD LINKS]

Limited Edition  To discuss limited edition cover options please contact Linde via email 

Interviews and Signings:  Please contact Linde via email